The new South Eastern Trials Championship been running for three years, and this website is to publish the yearly calendar, trials results and the Trials Championship tables.
At the end of each year, the first three in each class are presented with awards, usually at the
Sidcup Sixty Trial in January. To win an award, riders must be members of a club of the
South Eastern Centre and enter Championship trials as members of that Club. Non-SE
Centre club members are ignored when allocating Championship points.
Each Championship class shall have eleven or ten rounds (see the 'Calendar' page). Riders may drop their TWO worst scores, which may include d.n.s. or d.n.f.
Elite Expert (Adult and Youth): The Championship for this class will depend on a minimum of four rounds actually taking place. Each club can decide whether sections for Elite Experts can be made at its venue. If classes for Elite Experts are included in Regulations, a club may cancel the Adult and/or Youth Elite class if insufficient entries are received.
Championship points will be scored for riders who enter as members of ACU South Eastern clubs only.
Individual Championship points will be awarded in each class as follows:
1st – 20 points; 2nd – 17; 3rd – 15; 4th – 13; 5th – 11; 6th – 10; and then reducing by 1 point per position until
15th – 1 point. Retirements do not score any points.
Clubs should state that a trial includes Championship rounds, and for which classes, in Regulations, programmes, results and all publicity about their events. Please use the Championship logo above – available from me by email (
Please send programmes, lists of entrants and results to Peter Burrell, as soon as possible. Programmes and/or results must show the clubs that riders entered under.
Please spread the word about the Championship and the website, and put a link to this website on your own Club's website. Note that the website's address is - that's 'east' not eastern and 'trial' not trials. And it's 'Centre' not Combine. Not the best address and if someone knows how to change it, please let me know at
Below - 2023 Elite Expert winner, Thomas Moss receiving his trophy from Chris Baddeley
To see who won the other awards for 2023, go to 'Previous years.....'